Exploration Of The Impact Of Self-Control Mediation: The Influence Of Islamic Learning and Parent’s Support On The Religious Character Of Students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah
This research aims to determine the influence of Islamic learning and parent’s support on religious character and the role of self-control in mediating the relationship between these two variables. The research method used was a quantitative approach with a survey method, involving 126 participants. The results show that Islamic religious learning has a positive and significant influence on improving students' religious character, while parental support has a positive and insignificant influence. Self-control as a mediator of the relationship between Islamic learning and parental support also has a positive and significant influence. The implications of this research highlight the importance of forming children's religious character as preparation for living a life as a true Muslim. Suggestions given improving the learning system by compiling an Islamic learning curriculum that can actualize the values of Islamic teachings and creating intensive communication between parents and children to create his ability to control himself from disgraceful actions.
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